Within the first week of the release of Les Mis I had the opportunity to go see it twice. I went opening day with my family and then about a week later I went with my coworkers. Aldon, one of my coworkers said that we should all go see it together as a group, but that we should tell the theater workers that majority of our group was hearing impaired so they would have to put on the captions and it could be like a big sing-a-long in the theater. Too bad we didn't do it. Well we didn't need the lyrics anyways. We knew them by heart...except for the new songs and parts that they put in.
So after we got out of work at 10:15 we hurried over to the theater, bought our tickets and popcorn and the movie started. Oh how I love Les Miserables. I've seen it live before once and it was amazing. I thought the movie was pretty good, it's obviously not going to be like it is when it is live, but I thought they did a pretty good job with it.
My coworkers that hadn't seen it before or didn't even know what it was about loved it. All of us were crying. I was pretty proud of my boys then. They do have a heart! A few weeks later and we're still all singing Les Mis at work.
So for those of you who haven't seen Les Mis, go see it! I'm pretty sure you'll like it.
And if you can't make it to the movies anytime soon have no fear! This video is pretty much the movie in 10 minutes...all by one man.