Sunday, July 6, 2014

La Vida Es.....

The past several months have been full of heart break and disappointment. It's been a rollercoaster with very few ups but a lot of downs. It's amazing how your heart and soul and body cope with all the things that you throw their way.
I'd like to make an apology to my body. Not only does it run on an average of 4-5 hours of sleep a night, but I just started training for a half marathon and my body is definitely not happy about that. If I die at the age of 35 we'll know why.
But I'd also like to make an apology to my heart. I've put you through a lot and there's a good chance that I could have avoided some of it. Red flags were popping up left and right, but for some strange reason it doesn't matter what your head says, your heart always leads the way...and then it usually leads you to where I am now. You find yourself by yourself at the movies, you decide to go see the Fault in Our Stars that way when you're crying people will think it's somehow related to the movie. Hint: It's not.
And now for an apology to my soul. I'm sorry for having doubted you. I'm sorry for not continuing on when things have gotten the hardest. The struggle is real and it's not just a saying. They say everyone struggles with being who they are but what happens when you don't even know who that is?
But here's to new beginnings. Here's to the thought of an ending not being an ending, but just another page to be turned, another story to be told and another day to be lived. Life is never going to always be this beautiful experience, but I'm learning that you can always find beauty in any experience.

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