Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Dearest Readers

I have decided that since my most popular post, which had a lot more of my personal life in it, that I'm going to start going a little bit more into detail for my blog posts. Don't worry, you won't hear what time I woke up, how many times I went to the bathroom or how long it takes to shave my legs. But aren't blogs more fun to read when the person really sheds light on what really happened and you feel almost like you were there? Answer: yes, yes they are. So here's to more detailed and specific blogs.
I hope you're all ready. Because I really do have some great stories. I'd say some of the best ones are my dating stories. Get ready because I've got a lifetime of these bad boys. 

In the mean time, I think I should introduce you to a little bit more of me. (PS: If you have any questions, feel free to put them in the comment box and I will answer them.) I just turned 21. I've got a great birthday dinner story to tell you all. It shall be in my next blog post which shall be about my birthday. Okay, really I don't know what to write to you all about. Perhaps I'll try some blogging prompts, such as, describe to us your first kiss. 
............ Well he's gay and turns out I was just his beard. That's all I really want to say about that. 
I hope that made everyone's day. 

Also I love to Skype and ooVoo and all other sorts of video chats. Mo and I were going to Facetime tonight, until I realized that's on fancy iPhones. So we did a Hangout on G+ (Yes we are 2 of the 249 people that keep it going). I love this girl and I love her family. Beware, when this little one learns how to take screenshots on the computer, she goes cray cray. 

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