Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Elder Richard G. Scott came into my work. Yes last night. I think it's safe to say that I was a little bit starstruck. So story time, I was up at the front of the restaurant taking orders when a family comes in. The old man (AKA Grandpa AKA Elder Scott) is wearing a sweater that resembled a Mr. Rogers sweater. I keep looking at him and he probably thought I was crazy. 

"I know this man," I kept thinking to myself. "Where have I seen him???" He hands me his credit card as they start to order and I immediately look at the name. RICHARD G SCOTT! Of course! How could I have not known who he was at a first glance??? I think I went into fan girl mode because I don't remember much about taking their order. I would have given them free meals if I could have! 

I didn't want to be one of those people who interrupts people that are famous or well known for a picture, no matter how badly I wanted one. So what did I do? I did what any respectable person would do and let him eat his meal in peace. But then I grabbed a taco (to pretend it was my break time) and sat down facing right in front of him diagonally and whipped out my phone and started taking pictures of him. Yes I had a paparazzi moment. Don't judge me.

As you can tell I don't have run ins with General Authorities very often. There's only one other time that I've ever had that experience, and it's not necessary the best. So way way back in the day while I was still in junior high, my wards youth went to the Conference Center for a choir practice for this big Joseph Smith Commemoration that was to be held a few weeks later. We got stuck in the parking garage for a good 40 minutes and finally once we got close to the light, it turned yellow. My young womans president (who will remain nameless as to avoid the teasing that could possibly occur from the telling of this story) got tired of waiting and decided to run the red light and turn left. In doing this she cut off a car coming out from a different parking garage ahead of us and who did she cut off? Thomas Monson. He just smiled and waved and let us go ahead of him. Yes we cut off the next President of the LDS Church. Hopefully we can eventually get that erased from our book of life, because I don't think that would look very good. But hey in my defense I wasn't driving, so I think I'm good. 

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