Testmageddon. That's what they're all calling it over at BYU. The last day of finals and people waiting in line for at least 2+ hours. I was in the line for a good hour and a half before I even got my test. And I got in line around 2 PM. . Nothing says stress more than the look on these kids faces and also seeing the line that won't stop growing. Would you like an example?
This was the line after I had been standing in line for about half an hour all the way back to at least the Benson. And this was only about 3 PM! Well if you want something really crazy, check out this video. You'll just about pee your pants. This was once I finished my test and left around 6 PM and decided, "Let's see how long this crazy line is." Much longer than I expected it to be. Sorry for the shakiness of the video, it was just taken on my iPhone and I wasn't really planning on posting this for anyone to see, but hey why not. So sorry about the quality and all that jazz.
But isn't that crazy?! I know. You're lucky I sped the video up. In real time it's over 4:30 minutes long from when I started recording. Well all I can say is procrastinators unite. Hope finals went great for all.
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