Monday, April 1, 2013

There Was A Festival

So as everyone knows whether you went to it, saw it on Facebook or Instagram or some other form of social media, Saturday was the Festival Of Colors. Which meant lots of people in Utah Valley. Which meant lots of random visitors coming down to every store, restaurant and gas station in Provo and Orem. I ran into a girl I went to high school with. I asked her what she was doing down in Provo for the day. She answered back that she had just gotten back from Festival of Colors.

"Huh," I thought to myself, "they cleaned off really well for just having had been attacked with colored dirt." And then right as I thought that, I saw a group of about 15 people walk right past us in the store and go straight into the restroom to go clean off. They came out looking like somewhat clean people. So then I went to go see the damage in the bathroom and it looked like a crime scene. So dirty. I was so upset. People couldn't go clean off in their own bathrooms because they don't want theirs to get dirty. So they come and dirty other places bathroom. Thanks, but no thanks.

I don't want you all to think that I am a Scrooge when it comes to Festival of Colors because I actually really loved it. I went last year and got attacked with color (see picture below if you don't believe me.) But maybe I don't believe in getting everyone else's things or restaurants or stores dirty with the chalk that is literally falling out of my hair every time I move my head. (This is a big thanks to being right in the middle of the mosh pits when the throwing was going on.)

Perhaps I don't believe in dirtying peoples things because of the car ride home (or common decency, but we'll say it was the car ride.) The guy I was kind of seeing (or whatever we were) was living out of his car at this point in his life. He gladly drove us down there but he wanted to make sure his car didn't get terribly dirty because it was also his house. We brought garbage bags to cover the seats in the car, brought about 1000 baby wipes to clean off with, brought a change of clothes and changed in the middle of a parking lot even before we got into his car. 

So soapbox over. Just clean off before you go anywhere. It's really not that hard. 

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