Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dancing Through Life

School may be over, but that doesn't keep us from still dancing. A few members of Living Legends all got together for a Latin celebration where we ate delicious food, danced and sang. 

Sarah, Katie, me and Eli 

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Can the semester just be over already? One more final...

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Growing up, I never had a dog. Now that I'm away at college, my parents decided to get a dog. Of course. So every few weekends I head home (mainly to do laundry) but also play with my puppy!
As soon as we got him, he became a member of the family. Can't you see the family reseblance? 
Samson loves to be just like his daddy.

Now that he's growing up, we definitely look forward to Samson's nap time. Especially since he loves biting everything and everyone. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Waiting For You

I've had this song stuck in my head for the last several days.
Can you say, "Repeat?"

Thursday, April 5, 2012

FHE. Donuts.

This week for family home evening, my ward family made donuts! What a great idea!

-Buy biscuit dough from the store (in the can type containers works the best)
-Make into the shape of a donut
-Put in oil and fry
-Put on your favorite type of topping: powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

End Of Semester Funk

My first final for this winter semester here at BYU is next Thursday! Can you believe it? The semester sure went by fast! In a little over two weeks time, I'll be back at home for the summer and working. It will sure be so nice to have some extra time where I can just relax and not have to worry about school or homework or anything related to it.

You know when you're running a marathon (or just running in general), and you've passed the halfway mark but you can't see the finish line and you want to just walk the rest of the way? The point where you want to just lay down in the middle of the road and continue later? That's where I am with school this year, I've got the end of semester funk. I need one last push. One last thing to work towards. Hopefully I'll find it soon. 

At the same time, it's been a great semester. I took off for a weekend with some friends and we went to Vegas.  It was definitely needed. It was the two girls I went with first time in Vegas, ever. So we made sure we walked the Strip for as long as possible and did as much as we could in the 72 hours we were there. 

I finally fulfilled my lifelong desire of going to Festival of Colors at the Krishna Temple. I seriously had a blast. Think modern day Woodstock. 
this=semester in a nutshell.