Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Snow Day

My roommate Rachel loves snow. So when Provo finally got hit with its first really big snow storm, we braved the cold weather and couldn't resist doing a photo shoot. It was in the middle of finals and we needed a break. We spent about an hour outside, but I think it was time well spent. It's too bad that Katie wasn't there for pictures, we know she would have enjoyed it. But it's a good thing that it snows a thousand times during winter here in Utah so that we can do it again. 

There came a point where we turned this into a model photoshoot. I love my roommates, especially Marina for being crazy enough to take her jacket off in the 30 degrees of cold. She's from California and could handle the cold. I'm from Utah and hate the cold. There's probably a thing or two she can teach me.

These two pictures right below of the three of us were definitely my favorite pictures we took. Lacking a photographer, we became very grateful for self timers on cameras The first one was just cute and fun but for the second one we wanted to have falling snow in this picture. I pressed the timer button, grabbed some snow and counted down for when the picture would take. Only somewhere I lost count and ended up throwing the snow 3 seconds too early. So if you look closely you'll see snow all over Marina and Rachel. 

See here's the about when the modeling pictures started to happen and winter jackets taken off, like it was spring time. 

Also Marina and I decided to make snow angels. We made them on the driveway, although I'm still not quite sure why we decided to do them there. But it was great. I felt like a 10 year old kid again and completely forgot about the finals I had to take later that day and the rest of the week. Best stress relief, ever.

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